Apply for Kenya eTA

Approved list of states and territories exempted from quarantine in Kenya

Quarantine in Kenya


Because of the worldwide pandemic due to COVID-19 the whole world had been stopped for more than a year. Transportation was also included in the list of frozen life. But now that the vaccines are available and the world is slowly recovering from its death trap, some countries including Kenya took steps to open up their borders again. 

Corona Passport is Mandatory to Travel

For such measures, the world has introduced to its inhabitants the ‘Corona Passport’. With the partnership with the government, the IATA system will be able to reconnect the world and ensure the safest travel arrangement. This passport will be serving its privilege to the vaccinated people to pass other country’s borders. 

Must Vaccinate Yourself before Traveling to Kenya

For ensuring safe travel all around the world and decreasing the risk of Corona spreading more this measure is taken. The government wants its people to take the vaccine because they will be safer by it, not only because it is obligatory. The corona passport is not just a passport showing that the holder is vaccinated, rather it shows that he or she has tested negative for the virus and other equivalent diseases or achieved immunity to the disease after recovering from it along with being vaccinated against the virus. 

The online app IATA travel pass will be including the vaccinated individual’s ID to its list. This app will provide a digital passport for vaccinated immigrants wishing to travel to other countries. It will keep a record in its database about the whereabouts of the individuals. 

Benefits for Having Corona Passport  

The corona passport will be serving both domestic and international travel. By showing proof or the vaccination registration it is possible to visit shops, pubs, restaurants, and other events. By maintaining the safety measures protocols set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Civil Aviation Organisation as well as the Ministry of Health any vaccinated individual can travel with a corona passport and expect to be treated as deserved throughout the travel process. Kenya has opened its gate to the world under some conditions. By following the modus operandi of Kenya the travelers can enter and stay inside the Kenyan territories for their required amount of time.




Get eTA to Kenya

  • Step1: Apply on-line Provide the information from your passport to eTA application.
  • Step2: Make an online payment Payment Methods: Credit Card
  • Step3: Check your e-mail address If your payment is confirmed, your eTA will be sent to your e-mail
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